Wyandotte high school student, Gavriel Epperson, just recently entered his film "The Year 2080" into the OklaHomies Short Film Contest. Oklahoma students were asked to film in either the “Short Short” category of movies 60 seconds and under, or the “Shorts” category of movies one to five minutes in length.
Quote from Gavriel's Facebook page:
"GO VOTE FOR ME! So, while we’ve been in quarantine I decided to enter into a short film competition that my computer science teacher told me about. It’s taken me forever to get it done but me and my family had so much fun making it! It’s not super professional looking and I didn’t get to do everything I wanted but it was definitely a lot of fun, especially with my family!"
He is eligible for prizes and a "Fan Favorite" vote. So please go vote between now and April 12th. Here is the LINK.
Here were some of the rules and terms:
- **ALL films must include at least one of the following: hand sanitizer, antibacterial wipes, toilet paper or hand washing**
- All OklaHomies participants must live in the state of Oklahoma and all films must be recorded here as well.
- Films should be no longer than five minutes total running time, including required OklaHomies contest slates.
- Film entries must be recorded between Wednesday, March 25, 2020, and Wednesday, April 8, 2020.
- Films should be shot and edited from smartphones only.
- Films will be judged by a team of nine judges.
- Contestants may post their finished films on social media upon completion, but they MUST include the required OklaHomie slate and include the #OklaHomieContest.
Special thanks to his family for supporting him!
Scott Epperson - as Grandpa
Sarah Fry-Epperson - as Grandma
Josiah - as young Grandma
Malachi Epperson - as young Grandpa
Directed - by Gavriel Epperson