We are excited to announce that we will be opening a storefront! The store will be ran by our Career Tech: BMITE students. This will be an amazing work based learning experience for our students. The hours are not set yet, but you can follow our WHS Business page to keep up when we are open by clicking the link below. You can also contact Mrs. Drenna Robertson by email with any questions at drobertson@wyandotte.k12.ok.us.
Currently students are designing, printing, and pressing t-shirts, sweatshirts, cups, totes, and license plates which are all available for sale. We are so thrilled to have this opportunity so please come out to support!
Bella Canvas t-shirts: adult small - XL $15, 2Xl - 4XL for $20
Gildan sweatshirts: adult small - XL $20, 2XL - 4XL for $25
Tumbler cups: $15
Totes: $10
License plates: $6
In the spring when business students complete their entrepreneurial projects there will be more items available to purchase!
Click the link below to stay updated on the storefront through the WHS business class Facebook page: