We are pleased to announce our November students of the month. For middle school, Tessa Herrera. For high school, Gavriel Epperson.
Congratulations and great work!
Middle School
Tessa Herrera is in the 7th grade. She is the daughter of Daniel and Gwen Herrera. She is actively involved in NJHS and Student Council. Some of her favorites include the color purple, salad, and 5th hour leadership class. All of her teachers are her favorite.
High School
Gavriel Epperson is in the 10th grade. He is the son of Scott and April Epperson. He is actively involved in Student Council, NHS, HS Academic Team, and Select Choir. Gavriel's favorites include lemon and salt, the color green, and 6th hour Computer Science II with Mrs. Young. He says "I love all my teachers equally. There is one I enjoy being around more than the others... but that information is confidential. ;)"